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UTV AG helps to provide a sustainable solution in a wide variety of areas. From landfill operators and fermentation plants to agriculture and entire municipalities, we support our customers in achieving their goals.

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Landfill operators


Landfill operators

Suitable for all biowaste, these composting systems are revolutionizing the way landfill sites are operated. As the manufacturer of these innovative systems, we are setting new standards in environmental protection and sustainability.

Landfill operators



Industrial composting offers local authorities a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for recycling biowaste. This contributes to waste reduction, energy recovery, soil improvement and environmental protection and promotes sustainable waste management.

Operators of composting plants


Operators of composting plants

Covering the raw material not only protects the windrow equipment while reducing emissions.

Operators of composting plants
Waste incineration plants


Waste incineration plants

Waste incineration plants primarily burn waste to generate energy. Composting helps to recover valuable resources and to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill during recycling.

Waste incineration plants
Cement plants


Cement plants

Cement production causes significant greenhouse gas emissions, consumes increasingly scarce raw materials, and is very energy intensive. So-called refuse-derived fuels (RDF), which are produced from energy-rich waste by stabilizing residual waste, offer a solution.

Cement plants
Sewage treatment plant operator


Sewage treatment plant operator

Sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants contains a range of valuable plant nutrients and is used in agriculture as an organic fertilizer, particularly in the form of compost, which improves the humus content of the soil. In particular, the agricultural use of the phosphorus it contains is an important benefit given the finite nature of this resource.

Sewage treatment plant operator
Horse farms


Horse farms

Horse droppings can be transformed into a valuable fertilizer for the garden, which can be returned to the soil in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. Whether roses or vegetables, horse droppings are an effective way to provide plants in the garden with nutrients.

Horse farms



Compost plays an essential role in the nutrient cycle. Organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms, returning nutrients to the soil. However, compost is not only a supplier of nutrients, but also a soil conditioner. This is because it promotes the formation of humus and improves the structure and water retention capacity of the soil.

 Fermentation plants


Fermentation plants

In the field of waste treatment, fermentation plants are employed for the biochemical conversion of biowaste, as well as food and fat residues. Following the mashing process, the organic substances are broken down into carbon dioxide and methane by anaerobic bacteria in the absence of oxygen.

Fermentation plants
Soil plant / substrate manufacturer


Soil plant / substrate manufacturer

Substrate manufacturers and soil plants use the composting facilities to produce high-quality and sustainable substrates and soils. These are used as soil conditioners to increase soil fertility, promote plant growth and improve soil structure. At the same time, composting helps to reduce organic waste and promote environmentally friendly agriculture.

Soil plant

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