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Composting system

Great climate under the membrane cover!

What nature achieves by itself when organic material is decomposed over months, can be optimized and accelerated with modern technology under controlled conditions. Usually, this requires an enclosed plant.

But not with a membrane cover made of GORE© Cover Laminate for compost windrows. The semi-permeable membrane creates a real "climate chamber" for windrow composting and is significantly more cost-effective, simpler and more flexible than a closed design.

From the outside, the windrow is securely protected against the effects of weather and rainwater. Inside, the optimum climate is created that microorganisms need to convert waste into high-quality compost in the shortest possible time. The computer-controlled and thus optimized supply of oxygen via the fans and aeration pipes or aeration channels accelerates the intensive composting process to just a few weeks.

One for all – one system for everything

Raw materials for composting

The following table shows a rough overview of the different raw materials, which have been and will be composted successfully in UTV plants. Besides an explicit process technology the ratio of mixing the input materials including the structure materials is especially important. UTV relies on their extensive experience and can certainly advise you well.

  • Sewage sludge
  • Green cuttings / green waste / green waste / lawn cuttings
  • Biowaste garbage can / biowaste
  • Pomace
  • Market waste
  • Fermentation residue
  • Fruit / vegetables
  • Food waste / restaurant waste
  • Animal waste
  • Manure (chicken manure, cattle manure, pig manure, sheep manure, goat manure, horse manure, camel manure, etc.)

Please ask us if you want process and compost any special raw materials types. With the UTV's world-wide experience, there is almost always a solution.

The safe and up-to-date handling of wastes

Occupational safety, odors, hygiene and system advantages

A composting system which reliably removes unpleasant odors is equally appreciated by both the staff and local residents.

The semi-permeable membrane cover of the windrow ensures that odorous substances condense inside it and drip back into the windrow, where they are decomposed by micro-organisms.

Spores and germs, which otherwise can only be kept under control ofside a closed building, are also securely hold back by the membrane cover.

The hygienization required by several European countries (e.g. according to Animal By-Products Regulation) is also reliably achieved by this composting system, as tests proved. The conditions optimized through the UTV technology generate high temperatures in the decomposition body killing micro-organisms, germs and seeds reliably.

The low technical complexity, the easy handling, the flexibility and the possibility to rent the systems are further arguments for these convincing products – delivered by UTV:

  • Integrated overall solution suitable for the most different raw materials and plant sizes

  • Modular expansion without any problems

  • Fast expansion on the same required area, fast extension of capacity

  • Short planning and installation times, maximum three months

  • Fast transition from open to enclosed plant technology
  • Mobile, therefore also suitable for testing of the technology or of special raw materials

  • Low construction and operating costs

  • Easy handling and operation, trained staff necessary, but no electrician, mechanical engineer or computer specialist

  • Produces reliably quality compost according to the Baden-Baden model

Reduction of:

  • Dust
  • Odors
  • Bioaerosols
  • VOCs

Frequently asked questions about composting


  • What is the advantage of composting with a membrane cover?

    The composting plant with semi-permeable membrane from UTV AG is considerably less expensive, simpler and more flexible than a closed construction. With modern technology and under controlled conditions, the natural rotting process can be shortened to 4 – 6 weeks. The GORE® Cover creates a real climate chamber and thus optimum conditions for the microorganisms that convert the waste into high-quality compost.

  • What waste can be composted?

    Sewage sludge, green cuttings / green waste / green waste, lawn cuttings, pomace, market waste, fermentation residue, biowaste, biowaste, animal waste, manure (chicken manure, cattle manure, pig manure, sheep manure, goat manure, horse manure, camel manure, etc.), fruit, vegetables, food waste, restaurant waste.

Frequently asked questions about composting


  • What is the advantage of composting with a membrane cover?

    The composting plant with semi-permeable membrane from UTV AG is considerably less expensive, simpler and more flexible than a closed construction. With modern technology and under controlled conditions, the natural rotting process can be shortened to 4 – 6 weeks. The GORE® Cover creates a real climate chamber and thus optimum conditions for the microorganisms that convert the waste into high-quality compost.

  • What waste can be composted?

    Sewage sludge, green cuttings / green waste / green waste, lawn cuttings, pomace, market waste, fermentation residue, biowaste, biowaste, animal waste, manure (chicken manure, cattle manure, pig manure, sheep manure, goat manure, horse manure, camel manure, etc.), fruit, vegetables, food waste, restaurant waste.

Find your industry

The right solution for any industry


The right solution for any industry

UTV AG helps to provide a sustainable solution in a wide variety of areas. From entire municipalities and agriculture to fermentation plants and landfill operators, we support our customers in achieving their goals.


Find your raw materials

Raw materials for biological treatment

Raw materials

Raw materials for biological treatment

UTV systems can be used to successfully compost a wide variety of raw materials, such as green waste from gardens and parks, kitchen waste and food waste, as well as animal by-products, solids from fermentation, agricultural residues, mixed waste and organics from residual waste, sewage sludge and waste from food production.

Raw materials