UTV AG will be presenting the advantages, components and handling of the composting systems at the fully equipped facilities of Umweltpartner Vogel – a company owned by Franz Vogel. The production of the composting technology can also be viewed.
UTV AG – values, climate protection and success goals!
Information about UTV AG and its composting plants.
Let's make compost
With a total installed treatment capacity of more than 2,800,000 tonnes per year, UTV AG is the market leader in semi-permeable membrane waste treatment systems. Since 1996, the company has installed more than 125 systems with treatment capacities ranging from 5,000 to 200,000 tonnes per year. As a result, the company has experience in treating a wide range of waste streams: From biowaste, catering waste and fermentation residue to sewage sludge, green waste and residual waste treatments. Theplants can be found on all continents and are exposed to the most diverse, sometimes extreme climatic conditions.
The GORE® Cover System from UTV AG represents the state-of-the-art in membrane-covered composting in terms of durability, reliability and sustainability and is recognized as the best available technique at European level. It meets the requirements of an operational cover in accordance with the new TA Luft.
UTV AG has the expertise and experience in the design, supply and operation of waste treatment plants. The wide range of waste streams includes all types of organic material, municipal waste streams as well as industrial waste.
The GORE® Cover System is designed to be a reliable, durable and sustainable technology. Its modular design allows it to respond to growing waste volumes at any time. Very low-energy consumption and high flexibility in system design help our customers to operate their systems efficiently. Thanks to the GORE® Cover membrane and the short operating times of the machines in the plant, the CO2 footprint of the treatment can be minimized many times over. Combined with the total treatment capacity installed to date, there is a very broad range of knowledge to design sustainable waste management systems.
At only 12 kg/t, half of which is due to the pre-treatment of the material, the GORE® Cover System beats the competition by far. This is why the system is listed in the current European Best Available Technology (BAT) reference document for waste treatment from 2018.
UTV AG takes quality management very seriously and is DIN/ISO certified.
You can find our approvals and certificates here. Should you have any questions about the requirements in your country, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to check the relevant conditions and find a solution together.
1,000 –
1 million t
Annual capacity
2.8 million t/a
Total treatment capacity
To this day, UTV AG has built more than 120 plants around the world – among others in Israel, Syria, Ireland, Britain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the United States, Canada, China, Hungary, Romania and Finland.
To this day, UTV AG has built more than 120 plants around the world with annual capacities between 1000 and 1,000,000 t.
Setting up a number of foreign agencies in numerous states is planned as a future project. This will enable the steadily increasing clients to achieve competent information from contact persons in their own countries and with further optimization of the world-wide compost production.
Thomas Schlien is your ideal contact person.
Phone: +49 7223 8001505
E-mail: thomas @utvag.de
Benefit from our worldwide partner network. This gives you the highest level of expertise and know-how, which is reflected in your projects.