We are at Waste Expo Brasil 2024 - October 22 to 24 in São Paulo 🇧🇷 >> read the story



UTV AG offers complete treatment and disposal solutions for a various waste streams, including green waste, the organic fraction from municipal waste, kitchen waste, fermentation residue, sewage sludge, waste from the food fraction, or in short: all biowaste.

The treatment system consists of computer-controlled aeration technology embedded in concrete walls, the GORE® Cover and the associated (mobile) winder.

This approach combines the advantages of a simple compost windrows system with the benefits of the GORE® Cover.

The process of our composting plant

1. Delivery

The material to be treated is delivered and weighed. Weighing, ideally separated according to the different materials delivered, enables a proper material flow balance to be drawn up, separated by season. The goods to be treated can be green waste, market and restaurant waste, but also sewage sludge, pomace or all organic materials.

2. Crushing and mixing

The organic material is unloaded and temporarily stored until sufficient material is available for a windrow. Before being piled, the material must be reduced to the correct grain size using a shredder. This is <80 mm for composting with the GORE® Cover System. Furthermore, the moisture content (approx. 50-60%) and the nutrient composition must be correct. A mixture of green waste and a nitrogen source with a C/N ratio of 20 to 1 produces the best compost.

3. Phase I

The pretreated material is placed in the first phase, covered with the GORE® Cover and remains in the intensive rotting unit for four weeks. The temperature values inside the membrane are continuously recorded and stored in the control software.

4. Phase II

After four weeks, the first phase is completed and the material must be moved to the second phase. Like all manoeuvring activities, this is done with a wheel loader. The membrane is removed from the material, the composting material is moved and then covered with the membrane again for a further two weeks of aerobic treatment.

5. Phase III

After six weeks of the process, the compost can already be sieved. To meet the highest standards, the material requires a further two-week maturing process. This takes place in phase 3, which can be carried out without GORE® Cover. For this, the material from phase 2 is placed on a new windrow.

6. Quality

Once the material is fully matured, it can be sieved according to customer requirements.

7. Storage

Since in many countries the spreading of fertilizer s is not permitted throughout the year, there must be space to store compost in a composting facility.

8. Sale

Finally, the finished compost is sold to the end customer. These can be private individuals, but also landscape gardeners, substrate manufacturers, agricultural groups or cities and municipalities.

The German hygienization regulations:

German hygienization regulations are among the strictest in the world, but have never been a problem for the UTV AG system to comply with. Excerpt from the biowaste Ordinance: "Material must be kept in the thermophilic temperature range for several weeks, with at least

55 °C

over a period of 2 weeks, preferably consecutive

65 °C

over three days (closed system 60 °C)

40 %

water content of the material


pH value

(...) must be treated."

With temperatures of over 75°C, the UTV AG system easily meets these requirements. The pH value and water content depend on the input material. If necessary, the water content should be increased to 50 to 60% by adding water.

Treatment systems for composting & stabilization

UTV AG can offer complete treatment and disposal solutions for a wide range of waste streams, including green waste, the organic fraction from municipal waste, kitchen waste, fermentation residue, sewage sludge, waste from the food fraction or, in short, all biowaste.

Raw materials for composting


Raw materials for composting

What nature achieves alone when organic material is decomposed over months, can be optimized and accelerated with modern technology under controlled conditions? Usually, an enclosed plant is necessary for this purpose. However, this is not the case with a membrane cover made of GORE© Cover Laminat for compost windrows. It creates a real "climate chamber" for the compost windrows and is by far more cost-effective, simpler and more flexible than a building.

AD & Post-composting


AD & Post-composting

The conditioning and hygienization of the fermentation residues is carried out in the post-rotting process. Get the most out of biowaste: Biogas, renewable energy, nutrients and organic matter/humus. To reach the hygienization temperatures as quickly as possible, the GORE® Cover System is used in the further decomposition facility. The windrows are completely covered, thus minimizing odor emissions.

Residual waste treatment by MBT and waste drying


Residual waste treatment by MBT and waste drying

The mechanical-biological treatment of wastes (MBT) is an established treatment option in several countries to reduce the volume of mixed municipal solid waste to be landfilled by 70%. At the same time a high calorific fraction (RDF) of so-called refused derived fuels and of valuable material are recovered and biologically stabilized material employing a composting process is generated that can be landfilled without any problems.

Residual waste treatment

Proper preliminary analysis is the key to high-quality and efficient composting. To ensure that the process "runs" in line with the waste streams, it is important to know the exact requirements of the project. Only through detailed analysis is it possible to achieve sustainable operation of the system.

Thomas Schlien

Thomas Schlien

Chairman and CEO of UTV AG

Find your industry

The right solution for any industry


The right solution for any industry

UTV AG helps to provide a sustainable solution in a wide variety of areas. From entire municipalities and agriculture to fermentation plants and landfill operators, we support our customers in achieving their goals.


Find your raw materials

Raw materials for biological treatment

Raw materials

Raw materials for biological treatment

UTV systems can be used to successfully compost a wide variety of raw materials, such as green waste from gardens and parks, kitchen waste and food waste, as well as animal by-products, solids from fermentation, agricultural residues, mixed waste and organics from residual waste, sewage sludge and waste from food production.

Raw materials

Our partners & certificates

Benefit from our worldwide partner network. This gives you the highest level of expertise and know-how, which is reflected in your projects.

Umweltpartner<br>Vogel AG

Vogel AG

UTV AG will be presenting the advantages, components and handling of the composting systems at the fully equipped facilities of Umweltpartner Vogel – a company owned by Franz Vogel. The production of the composting technology can also be viewed.

Umweltpartner Vogel
GORE® Cover

GORE® Cover

We are a premium partner of W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH. Concepts, planning and worldwide distribution of closed composting systems based on the laminateGORE© Cover.



Long-standing partner for the production of ventilation channels for our composting plants.

Götz – Landtechnik

Götz – Landtechnik

Our partner Götz – Landtechnik is responsible for the production of the different variations of the sheet wrappers that are used in our composting plants worldwide.

Götz – Landtechnik

Industry solution


With the UTV system, organic materials are composted under controlled conditions. Find out more about the use of our system in various industries – what requirements we fulfil and what advantages result from using the system for composting.