UTV AG helps to provide a sustainable solution in a wide variety of areas. From entire municipalities and agriculture to fermentation plants and landfill operators, we support our customers in achieving their goals.
Mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT) using the UTV system is the ideal preliminary stage for the recycling of residual waste. Above all, we achieve better added value from residual waste, which can reduce the proportion of municipal waste going to landfill by up to 70%.
A technology for various treatment steps of residual and mixed municipal waste.
The investment and treatment costs for the simple UTV system are considerably lower as in an enclosed MBT plant or in waste incineration.
The simple composting system significantly reduces emissions (especially odors) and at the same time enables rapid processing of substitute fuels. UTV AG has already proven its success in numerous countries with the highest requirements.
If the quantities of waste to be treated change significantly over the year or following tenders, this is not a problem thanks to the flexible treatment capacity.
The household waste delivered is weighed on arrival at the plant. This allows a material flow of the plant to be created.
The material to be treated is poured out in the delivery hall and added to the sorting process.
For sorting, the material is placed in a bag ripper and screened. The > 80 mm fraction goes on to manual sorting, the < 80 mm fraction to biological stabilization.
The 80 mm fraction contains the organic matter that needs to be broken down before the material is deposited in the landfill.This prevents the formation of gas in the landfill body and thus significantly reduces the operating costs of the landfill. Biological stabilization is divided into two phases of 3 weeks each, resulting in a compost-like product.
All non-sortable and degradable materials are incorporated into the landfill and then deposited in a weatherproof location.
Municipal waste contains between 20% and 60% wet and organic components, depending on the extent of separate collection of biowaste. These often stick to other waste, especially plastic. Rapid drying and processing of the waste can be achieved by biodegradation using temperatures of up to 85 °C and an appropriate air supply under a semi-permeable membrane cover. The more dry the waste is, the easier a subsequent treatment enables a segregation into various fractions, especially in a high-calorific fraction (mostly plastics) and into recyclable valuable matter. The latter applies for typical process steps at the mechanical-biological treatment plants MBT.
The practice in some countries is to pre-treat the wastes in a mechanical and biological step (MBT) as an alternative to waste incineration to degrade the organics in the waste through composting so that the residue fulfills the stability and acceptance criteria for a sanitary landfilling. A cost-effective solution for this biodegradation is to compost the waste under a pressure-ventilated membrane cover: the GORE® Cover System.
The biological degradation of organics in waste can be achieved in two steps. An intensive main decomposition in an enclosed high-tech MBT plant with aeration and exhaust gas treatment and followed by a forced aerated post composting with the GORE® COVER System.
This allows to meet the stabilization degree necessary for landfilling in a cost-effective way. During the post-rotting process with the GORE® Cover System, there are no odor emissions that could potentially disturb local residents.
After successful post-rotting, the stabilized material is incorporated into the landfill.
Is the technology also suitable for treating residual waste and drying waste?
Yes! The UTV composting system is used wherever biowaste materials need to be converted effectively and emission-free in a closed system. The membrane cover ensures a positive drying effect and retains emissions, especially odors from residual waste stabilization. The plants for the biological drying of waste enable easier separation and sorting and therefore also more efficient incineration.
This also applies to mechanical-biological pre-treatment MBT. After mechanical sorting of recyclable materials and a fraction with a high calorific value using a biological stage, the organic matter in the waste can be broken down by composting. The proportion to be landfilled can thus be reduced by up to 90% and the stabilized end product of the composting process can be landfilled without any problems.
Is it possible to stabilize residual waste with windrow composting?
With UTV AG's unique composting plant, various residual waste treatments can be carried out in accordance with legal requirements. The waste can be separated into the various fractions through rapid drying and processing of substitute fuels (mechanical-biological stabilization MBT).